- Author: admin
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(, 05:17 PM) m-power Wrote: Does anybody know how to install or better to say how to crack a Microcat Hyundai on Windows 7 64 bit? Installation goes OK, but crack don't and when run Microcat it say couldn't detect dongle? Does anybody have a right fix for it? Thanks in advance!!! Search mg16.dll in C:/ windows (using search) and delete it.
Additional info from the instructions for enabling this to run, as it stands it will need to have your clock changed, to avoid this follow these instructions: There is a file called 'dset' in C: MCLRE Mcindex LRE and also C: LRE_Data Both files contain a single line, currently 200609 If you change both files to a later date (say 200809) it will run without fiddling with dates. I think you could probably do any date you fancy, I guessed at 2008 and it worked, but it will need to be updated in 2 years time. OK, I have tried to open the DAT files to replace the dates but can`t open them, so installed the disc after replacing the mg16.dll files, installed it all and get a message 'Microsoft has not found an authorised dongle' message. I also changed the dates on my computer to the earleir dates as well, but it did`nt help at all. Any ideas what I have done wrong. Thats what I did, I replaced the three files with the patch, (just copied & pasted it in the lre, system & sytem 32 I think?), then when you start it it wants you to log in, so click on 'admin' I think to crate another user, type in name/password etc and then log in and off you go. OK chaps (and chapess's):- I've downloaded the latest Microcat.
I've burned the image to CD I've installed it over the older version I had. I've copied the.dll file into the various locations. I've gone in and edited the two 'Dset' files with a new date. Microcat runs perfectly.EXCEPT.no pricing info unless I alter my system date back to 09/2006.
What do I have to alter to 'fudge' the pricing 'date' as it's obviously reading my system date before it enables pricing. (I hope that last bit makes sense.it does to me!!!) Regards Scrumps. Right, think i have enabled the pricing information, though the numbers look a little odd. Can someone without a modified version check the price for ANR3410 - panhard bush, £3.10 (RTI??) on my version now.
Also have a look at the later one which is £8.35? Check the price for FTC5303, oil seal on gearbox mainshaft. This shows on mine as £2.01 and earlier is £16.09?? If these numbers are the same as someone elses then i will post how to enable the pricing information with no date changes etc Steve, If I 'fudge' the date on my 'new' version I get ANR3410 @ £3.61 (inc VAT) and FTC5303@£2.35(inc VAT). Looks like your pricing date crack is OK but the prices might have changed somewhat. Hope this helps. Computer numpty here.
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